Sunday, April 26, 2020

Markham Slow News Report - Undocumented immigrants and Covid-19

Markham Slow News Report - Facts about immigrants and Covid - 19

  1. Amount that undocumented immigrants will receive as part of the Covid-19 stimulus bill = $0
  2. Average amount undocumented immigrants pay in taxes every year to state and local governments = $11.7 billion
  3. Number of undocumented immigants in the United States = 10.5 million
  4. Percentage of U.S. workforce that is undocumented = 4.8%
  5. Percentage of undocumented adults who have been in the U.S. for more than 10 years = 66%
  6. Amount of the first Covid-19 stimulus bill = $2 Trillion
Source; The Nation, April 20/27/2020 p. 5

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

In the age of the coronavirus does it matter if your state is governed by Democrats or Republicans?

Comparing Kentucky and Tennesee demonstrates how much elections matter in electing a democrat or a Republican governor. Having a Democrat governor could save your life and those you love.

Stephanie Jolly of Lexington, Kentucky, created this chart and posted it on her Facebook page.  It shows that Kentucky Gov. Andry Beshear (D) acted more quickly on the coronavirus emergency than did Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) and that the disease has not spread as fast in Kentucky as it has in Tennessee.

Click to enlarge.

Check it out by clicking here.

Democratic governors more likely to keep you safe.

Check this out.

Thursday, April 2, 2020